Stay Smart and Safe under the Sun with a Beach Umbrella

by | Nov 22, 2013 | Shopping

No doubt, having your child suffer a severe sunburn is not only a painful experience but with the sun’s intense UV rays, those sunburns can someday result in far worse damage. Monitoring the amount of sun your child is exposed to is way to keep damage to a minimum. Of course you can add the periodic amounts of sunblock or sunscreen, making sure to reapply on hot days or after time in the water. There are even clothing available that contains sunscreen materials that can also help reduce the amount of sun reaching your child’s skin, but one way to keep them cooler (as well as yourself) is to look into a quality beach umbrella.

Beach umbrellas are an essential part of the beach-going experience. They provide the necessary shelter from the sun’s blinding rays as well as a place to set up a little makeshift camp for you and your loved ones. After all, spending a day at the beach or on a picnic generally includes bringing some towels, clothing, food and of course a perfect spot to set that shade-providing umbrella so that you and your little ones can enjoy your outing comfortably. It never hurts to take a little break from the sun to eat a snack and lie down on a blanket and just listen to the sound of the surf, without the worry that your skin is blistering under the sun.

Yes, sunblock works well to keep the damaging rays to a minimum, but they do not prevent all exposure. Used in conjunction with the wide canopy of a beach umbrella you can rest assured that you and your child will wake up the next morning without the painful reminders of too much sun from the day before or the worry of your skin peeling all week long. Generally easy to use, keep your umbrella at the ready by sliding it into the back of your car or keeping it in your trunk. In the summer months it makes sense to have it in case of changing weather. You never know when the day may bring too much sun or rain, having that umbrella nearby can help out a lot at your son’s little league game or your daughter’s soccer tournament.

With its expansive shading, tilting ability and telescoping pole, you can adjust your beach umbrella with the angles of the sun, all day long. Feel the gentle ocean breezes while you watch your children play in the sand and surf, you can relax under the shade and take in the best view on the beach, without the worry of sunburns.

On your next outdoor event, make sure to tuck a beach umbrella in the back of the car. You never know what Mother Nature might bring. A beach umbrella is great way to help keep you drier in case of rain or provides instant shade when the sun is a little too bright. For more information visit Raintec Umbrella.

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