The Premium Brand of Cohiba Cigars

by | Nov 14, 2014 | Uncategorized

There are two kinds of premium Cohiba cigars on the market. A Cuban state-owned company called Habanas S.A. makes one version and the Dominican Republic makes the other version for the General Cigar Company in the U.S. What’s the difference between the two premium brands? Established in 1966, the Cuban brand goes through an extra fermentation process. On the other hand, the U.S brand established in 1978 contains no Cuban tobacco.

More on the Cuban-Based Brand

When Fidel Castro took over Cuba, he commissioned Habanas S.A. to make the finest cigars in Cuba. These Cuban-based cigars were originally only reserved for high-ranking officials and dignitaries. Over time, there was a wider distribution of the product, which allowed it to make its way to the public. The brand launched outside of the U.S. as a premium brand, with the 1982 World Cup in Spain. The brand launched lines known as the Panetela, the Lancero, and the Corona Especial. It eventually expanded to include Linea 1492, Edición Limitada, and cigarillos, among other lines. Now it is one of the top ranking premium cigar brands in Cuba.

More on the U.S. Brand of Cohiba Cigars

Known as the Cohiba “Red Dot” cigars, it includes a Cameroon wrapper, Jember binder, and has an exceptional taste. They are the Dominican version of the Cohiba, and are legally trademarked to bear the Cohiba name. The U.S. based cigars contain tobacco grown in the Dominican Republic and parts of Honduras and Nicaragua. This handcrafted premium brand has become one of the top-selling cigar brands in the U.S.

This line of cigars offers an array of sizes, shapes, and strengths for you to enjoy. Some of the brand types and sizes are: Miniatures, Pequenos, RobustoFino, Robusto, Corona, Corona Crystal, Toro Tubos, Gigante, and Churchill. This is just a short list of what the brand has to offer. Since the Cameroon wrapper encloses the cigars, it embodies a sweet aroma and is medium to full-bodied.

Each cigar is full of quality and flavor. After all, it took five long years of research to bring these super-premium cigars to the U.S. market. Now they are available in limited qualities.

Reviews of the U.S. Based Cohiba Cigars

Want to know what people think about these cigars? Here are some customer reviews from our website:

1. “very fresh product good flavor”

2. “The Cohiba black is among my all time favorites. Very full flavor, but not over powering. Clean burning, complex, nice draw and beautiful to boot.”

If you are looking for a creamy, sweet, and savory aroma, these cigars are worth adding to your list. Want to learn more about the Cohiba cigar.

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